Fantasy Terrain Update

Ive completed new piece for my fantasy terrain collection. A Windmill from Tabletop World. Im really impressed so far with all Tabletop World stuff. They are very expensive but on the other hand really look great and work well as centerpieces on the table. Im working on a full tutorial about...

Dry Cracked Desert

Here is a quick one about cracked land bases. It will be mostly about how great and easy to use is Crackle Paint from Green Stuff World. First paint base in a collor you want to be seen through cracks. Here im using flat brown from vallejo After paint dries up ive applied GSW Crackle Paint...

Fantasy Terain

During May long weekend ive started another project ive planed for this year. For some time now i was gathering low fantasy/historical terain. Most of it comes from tabletop world but not all. Ive planed to do this a preparation for Old World but surprisingly it got release much faster than i...

Legion Imperialis

I finally got to another project planed for this Year. Epic scale Legion Imperialis. Ive used to play a lot of previous editions of Epic, starting with the second. I really liked how the system focuses more on manuvers and strategic aspect. With release of new AdeptusTytanicus ive quickly jumped...

Update – Aprill 2024

Ive been busy for the last few weeks with some technology updates in my hobby. 3d printing, laser cuting and new airbrush. Exciting stuff. Here is how it went. First of all i got Neptun 4 pro printer thats using PLA plastic. Its not as good as resin printer but it still surpassed my expectations....

Throng of Barak Varr update

Last weekend ive played a 3rd game and tested some new things and ideas. This is the army list ive used: ++ Characters ++Thane (Hand weapon, Great weapon, Full plate armour, Battle Standard Bearer, On foot, Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Stone, Master Rune of Stromni red beard, Rune of battle)...

Throng of Barak Varr update

Monsters are tough. Monstrous infantry also, or maybe my cannons just cant do their job. Ive played another game, this time against the beastmen. This time around i faced mostly monsters and monstrous infantry. In 2500 points there was a unit of minotaurs, dragon ogres, tuskgors, 2 units of normal...

War in Rohan update

Attack on Rohan has begun. I played first scenario from the War in Rohan campaign. It was bloody and it was fun. Cant wait for more. Ive painted some Dunlendings especially for this campaign. Wasnt really planing to get them when i started with Isengard but idea grew on me after reading those...

Throng of Barak Varr update

First battle is behind me. I must say im rather happy with new system. Smaller units, less destructive abilities and more focus on manuvering is a good change in my opinion. One game is of course not enough to get a full picture but it really got me interested again in the game. Ive managed to...

Throng of Barak Varr

Old World finally arrived with a bang. Feels familiar and yet different. With this move back in the timeline ive expected many units to dissapear or get replaced. For the moment however it looks like most of the things are back as they were at the end of the 8th. I was kinda dissapointed with this...