Back to Hobby

Im back. Its been tiring five months but i feel its finally time to get back to gaming. Well i wasn't exactly away from the hobby but definitely took it slow. Not playing any games got my priorities changed from painting models i need for the game to models i want on the shelf to sit and look...

Bakka 3 – Dropsite Massacre

Time to get back to the campaign. Last time nurgle forces managed to destroy the engines of the cargo ship. It went crashing down to the planet surface. Will there be any survivors? What else awaits them there? Those who survived the demonic intrusion quickly run to shuttles and escape pods. It...

Bakka 3 Campaign

This is a living post for narrative behind my recent 40k and Kill Team games. It was too good to be true. Captain got those coordinates during our brief but profitable stay on Necromunda. In all honesty i belive that was the real reason we went there in the first place. Old, plain looking necklace...

Zombie painting tutorial

Hi all. Holiday have come and gone so its time to get back to business. During last few weeks ive managed to get back to fantasy side of things and finally do some work on my Vampire Counts army. As you probably already guessed one of the units ive spent some time on were zombies! Zombies are a...

Krucjata Combat Patrolowa

Ostatnio miałem okazję uczestniczyć w organizowanym przez Liwana turnieju na 777p. Oto garść fotek.Mały format jakoś coraz częściej mi podchodzi. Bitwy są krótsze, wymagają wystawiania jednostek które przy większych bitwach się zwykle nie sprawdzają a w obecnej edycji mała ilość...