2025 Plans

As the year comes to a close, it's time to take a step back and look at what 2024 brought to the hobby table—and maybe steal a quick glance at what 2025 might hold. At the start of this year, I made a modest resolution: to bring some order to my chaotic hobby ambitions. While I’ve never been...

Fantasy Buildings and Walls

Here is a tutorial on painting buildings and walls in a quick and nice looking way. Walls and Stones Base Coating Start with a black undercoat across the entire model.Follow up with a grey or white spray applied from above to create natural highlights.For the base color, I used Stonewall Grey...

Serpents of the Sea

As 2024 comes to a close, there is one more project ive started. Old World Wolves of the Sea. Originally, I planned to start an Orcs & Goblins army this year, but when the new Chaos Journal dropped, showcasing an evocative and characterful take on Chaos warbands, I knew it was time to dust off...

Daemons of Chaos

For a while now, I've been itching to revisit my Chaos Daemons, and it seems like their moment has finally arrived! With Warhammer 40k making a big comeback in my local gaming group, I’ve been contemplating which army to dive into for this edition. I’ve got a fair few armies in varying stages...

Dry Cracked Desert

Here is a quick one about cracked land bases. It will be mostly about how great and easy to use is Crackle Paint from Green Stuff World. First paint base in a collor you want to be seen through cracks. Here im using flat brown from vallejo After paint dries up ive applied GSW Crackle Paint...

Hobby Projects

With so many projects in my and my gaming buddies plans i thought it may be helpfull to write few words on how to get things done in our hobby world. Hobby projects have many similiarities to any other projects be that work or personal plans. However they also can easily grow too big to handle....

Painting Tyranids

Ive painted my first Tyranid model in years. Here is the colour scheme ive used. Ive started with black undercoat followed by light white highlight by airbrush from the top. You can also do it with white undercoat is spray. Model is mainly composed of two large areas - skin and scales/armour.For...

Bakka 3 Campaign – Stop the Ritual

Final clash to stop the ritual is over. Here is the summary of last game and the whole campaign. That was a really enjoyable battle. Not very big, only 1250p but with many models on the table. There weren't any special scenario this time. We just played 'take and hold' with tactical objectives. It...

Back to Hobby

Im back. Its been tiring five months but i feel its finally time to get back to gaming. Well i wasn't exactly away from the hobby but definitely took it slow. Not playing any games got my priorities changed from painting models i need for the game to models i want on the shelf to sit and look...

Bakka 3 – Dropsite Massacre

Time to get back to the campaign. Last time nurgle forces managed to destroy the engines of the cargo ship. It went crashing down to the planet surface. Will there be any survivors? What else awaits them there? Those who survived the demonic intrusion quickly run to shuttles and escape pods. It...