Whats Up 2015-11-03
Sorry for missing last two updates but im having a hard time adjusting to living both in Brussels and Warsaw at the same time. Hopefully things will get better. For the moment just a few short points.
Ive played Lord of the ice garden recently and even written a short review here.
GW is rolling out a Horus Heresy board game. Interesting point for me was that i wasnt excited with it at all. Even one year ago i think it would get to me, bypassing my brain and directly into my wallet but right now i think my engagement in this series have past. Still i will get one box to be on the safe side 😉 Im also starting to looks intensively at infinity again.
Not to be completely anti-gw im working again on some of my Tau stuff for a local tournament. I really wanted to finish them someday and the new codex might just be the right incentive.