Serpents of the Sea – february update

Ive added more units to my growing Wolves of the sea army. The Frostborn "The strong take what they want. If a man has a finer blade than you, kill him and take it. If a warrior wears a richer pelt, strip it from his corpse. What is wealth, if not stolen?" The Frostborn are the raiders and...

2025 Plans

As the year comes to a close, it's time to take a step back and look at what 2024 brought to the hobby table—and maybe steal a quick glance at what 2025 might hold. At the start of this year, I made a modest resolution: to bring some order to my chaotic hobby ambitions. While I’ve never been...

Fantasy Buildings and Walls

Here is a tutorial on painting buildings and walls in a quick and nice looking way. Walls and Stones Base Coating Start with a black undercoat across the entire model.Follow up with a grey or white spray applied from above to create natural highlights.For the base color, I used Stonewall Grey...

Serpents of the Sea

As 2024 comes to a close, there is one more project ive started. Old World Wolves of the Sea. Originally, I planned to start an Orcs & Goblins army this year, but when the new Chaos Journal dropped, showcasing an evocative and characterful take on Chaos warbands, I knew it was time to dust off...

Deamons of Chaos – October update

More daemons have been unleashed into my Khornate legions—this time, a horde of bloodletters straight from the depths of OOP hell! Once again, I raided my shelves of shame and unearthed miniatures I've been hoarding for years. The first unit is a real blast from the past, dating all the way back...

Daemons of Chaos – September update

Blood for the Blood God! The Khorne daemons rise again as I dive back into my collection of bloodthirsty models. This time, it's all about the units dedicated to the Blood God himself. I've been gathering these daemons for years, but other projects always seemed to push them aside. Now, with...

Throng of Barak Varr update September 2024

I’ve just wrapped up my Hammerers unit, the last one I planned to finish before the Dwarfs journal hit the shelves. But of course, the journal is packed with so many new ideas that it’s tempting to keep going! That said, I think it’s time to call this Dwarf army "finished" for...

Legion Imperialis Update 18-08-2024

Short update about Legion Imperialis With most of my Solar Auxilia done im now focusing mostly on playing games to learn this new system. I still have mixed feelings about some rules, especialy how close comnat works, but i do like few of them too. Secret orders and alternating activation are...

Fantasy Terrain Update

Ive completed new piece for my fantasy terrain collection. A Windmill from Tabletop World. Im really impressed so far with all Tabletop World stuff. They are very expensive but on the other hand really look great and work well as centerpieces on the table. Im working on a full tutorial about...